the playful k journey

the playful k journey
going somewhere slowly...

Friday, April 15, 2011

End of Term/Block/Quarter... whatever you want to call it

Well, today is the last day of the first teaching block. I am dead chuffed to be heading back to Durban tomorrow night. It's been a long time in Jozi and I've missed home dearly. I don't know why this entry is assuming the tone it is but it just is.I have skipped all my extra-curricular activities this week and quite frankly, I don't feel bad about it.

I have nothing else to say... over to the guest writer, Neo.
Wits has been one hell of a ride so far. It's been a crazy mind-boggling experience with everything coming at you at 320km p/h. I'm kinda glad we're taking a break but one thing I'm not glad about is separating from the cool friends I've made so far. Sumeya is such a cooooooool person just cuz she's so chilled and random. And of course Angie who is the laughter that keeps us together. Then there's the discipline of this whole operation: PhD. And of course our lil babatjie Neo II. Drama is so much better since I've met these girls, if it was possible I would come to Wits everyday just to chill at our very own Mall: The Matrix.

Passion and Coolness all the way!!!!
Here's to Dramatic Memoriez!!!

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