the playful k journey

the playful k journey
going somewhere slowly...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

another end...

I hope this posts. For some reason, my own blog has been refusing my attempts at posting.

Right...once again, I am nearing another end. This time, a bigger one. It's actually the end of my first university semester. I am just hoping it won't be the end for me. Why I say this?
It's been exams and much to my amaze (not) I've stuck religiously to my old high school ways. Not studying. Well, you can't blame me. Every time that I tried, I found myself reading yet another book on philosophy or medical sciences, neither of which have any bearings on my studies... so yeah.

Anywho, I've one paper left. Psychology.

On other news, I've started working on something and I'm really excited about it. I'm not comfortable with classifying it yet as I don;t know where it's going but I'm just writing as I'm inspired.

Anywhoooo, peace!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Harvard....Otherwise known as The William Cullen Library at Wits University. Harvard is the centre of African Studies at Wits and Home 2 tHE sUSHI!
tHE sUshi is a Fish, on paper, drawn and brought to life by my blessed frIEnd NEO MOTHAE.
wE HAD so much fun with Fish as it is a manifestation and representation of everything we as talkative students would love to do but cannot in a Library. The Fish can laugh, scream, and cry. It is a natural born performer capable of anything and everything. Unfortunately it died due to the pressures of THE sYstem.

In honour of Sushi, resurrect your own Fish to become you True Voice.....

xoxo Nx2 xoxox

StrATeGisng With da GALS written by Neo S. and Neo Mothae

Lecturers: Neox2
Lesson: How can one piss on their territory (only to have another bitch infringe on the boundaries)
Venue: The Mall a.k.a. The MATRIX

fIRST of all you have to MARK your territory sufficiently to prevent future attacks by unforseen BITCHES!!!!

Oprah even says the number one reason men cheat is because there is always a willing female lurking in the background
As a dog marks its' territory by pissing on the area, you must mark your territory.

How can you go about doing this?
Train your man to obey all your commands, what you say must resonate. Start with simple requests such as
"please buy me a cheese and tomato sandwich", if you practice this request/command regulary enough, your man will know this means :"DO IT!!!!"

As a female you have certain assets at your disposal, foremost your intelligence. Boys are so easy to influence that you could make them do practically anything! The trick is to......

Lol Got you! nOW you GOTTA read da next edition to find out THe SecRET

End of Term/Block/Quarter... whatever you want to call it

Well, today is the last day of the first teaching block. I am dead chuffed to be heading back to Durban tomorrow night. It's been a long time in Jozi and I've missed home dearly. I don't know why this entry is assuming the tone it is but it just is.I have skipped all my extra-curricular activities this week and quite frankly, I don't feel bad about it.

I have nothing else to say... over to the guest writer, Neo.
Wits has been one hell of a ride so far. It's been a crazy mind-boggling experience with everything coming at you at 320km p/h. I'm kinda glad we're taking a break but one thing I'm not glad about is separating from the cool friends I've made so far. Sumeya is such a cooooooool person just cuz she's so chilled and random. And of course Angie who is the laughter that keeps us together. Then there's the discipline of this whole operation: PhD. And of course our lil babatjie Neo II. Drama is so much better since I've met these girls, if it was possible I would come to Wits everyday just to chill at our very own Mall: The Matrix.

Passion and Coolness all the way!!!!
Here's to Dramatic Memoriez!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

More than just a breather...

It's been a moment since I last blogged. My excuses though valid, would be trivial. Well, I've been busy with the usual. School and chilling. Met  a few important people though I haven't got involved in any big things yet. But I'm guessing I will be soon.

Made a second year friend who I'm hoping will be a bit of a help. So I guess even though I'm still lazy and in school mode I wont turn out too bad. I believe a little more in myself than I previously did too.
I'm hoping by next week that I will be done with everything that requires completing.

I started singing classes and hip hop dance as well. On Tuesday I will be starting piano as well so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

I must confess that I feel like I'm blogging out of obligation today. Even though it's a Saturday, I'm at school catching up with all that I don't do on weekdays so i'm going to dip out now...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Saturday...

Well, yesterday I attended the FYE (First Year Experience) induction programme at Wits - I still don't know what induction means but I'm guessing it's a sort of welcoming. Anywho, as usual, I didn't really want to attend because (as usual) I had decide it would be lame, not to say it wasn't kinda lame. However, there were many inspirational and eye-opening moments. All in all, it was worth it. I did only go because my dad had already given me R100 to go. Haha.

Down to the cool experience that followed. I met up with one of my new friends after the programme and we walked around the CBD which wasn't as awesome as could be for me because I kept envisioning the beach. The reason being, the CBD in Durban leads to the beach being in a CBD that didn't lad to the beach just made me miss Durban much more. I can barely wait to hit the shores now.

Oh, yes. The cool experience. Well we ended up going to the Johannesburg Theatre. The exposure to all the beautiful architecture and art work was amazing. We tried incorporating a few of the things we'd been learning in our classes. We weren't sure if we could enter some of the places but I suggested we do as long as no one tried to stop us. So we did. My excitement was so great I couldn't help snapping away with my phone.
I'm really looking forward to exploring other theatres in the city of Jhb. The artistic greatness is simply overwhelming.
**Those are the pics I took. The quality isn't so great of course since they were taken on my phone and the girl who appears in them is the friend I was with**

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'm a "Witsie"!!!

There have been a few changes here. Actually, make that a LOT of changes. I've renovated and finally decided on a direction for my blog instead of making it like a cyber diary. As clearly stated in the (newly added) description, I intend to turn this into an online journal that records my progress on my plan-specific journey to ULTIMATE success.

I say "ultimate success" because I have a specific definition of what ULTIMATE success is. To me, success means to reach a point in your life where you are HAPPY with who and where you are. Different things make different people happy therefore success would mean different things to different people.

OK. Enough of that. Seeing as how Wits - the university I am/will be attending - is part of The Plan, it is only natural that I will speak about it.

Down to the awesome stuff. Today Wits held their annual Welcome Day - some sort of "picnic thing". The word "picnic" had initially put me off but since I've been extremely bored at home I decided to go. Great decision. There were a lot of boring speeches and whatnot but after that it was really cool. They were playing hip hop music so naturally, I instantly got high off all that energy But then they started playing a WHOLE LOT of house music and that shit just killed my high. I kinda made a friend also. She was more of the quiet type but I was too high to mind. All in all, a good day.

I thought I'd just explain the picture, I absolutely LOVE vintage cars or maybe vintage everything. But, yeah, when I see VW Beetles on the road, I just get filled with longing. Such vintage beauty.

So far, I am nowhere closer to ultimate success (U.S) than I was yesterday.
Dippin' out...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Misery has magical powers...

Yes, It's been a few miserable days for me. Being in Durban meant I was always busy either at work or with my friends. It is therefore not surprising that I've been in a state of misery in The City That (apparently) Never Sleeps. I can assure you a lot of sleeping goes on in this neighbourhood. Apart from the little school that happens to be our next-door neighbour, it is unnaturally quiet.What I mean is, the only voices I hear are those of shrieking school kids. Other than that, it's just the the hum of passing cars and electronic gates and annoying dogs. I must say I did awaken one morning to a lot of chirping. I could have sworn I'd slept at a bird park.

I spent most of yesterday dowloading music to my phone in an attempt to compensate for the EXTREME BOREDOM. It didn't help much. All I was left with was a very low airtime balance which left me even more miserable since that meant I couldn't blog. There's something about blogging that makes me feel good :/

I have two more days of nothingness and then the university holds thier "Welcome Day Picnic" - an event I desperately wanted to miss but now I'm totally looking forward to it. It is sad what the absence of friends can do to one. *smh* Thereafter it is Orientaion week - sounds like a bore but I'm looking forward to it too. This is what has become of me - I am officially a broken person. *sigh*

Dipping out...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Masturdating : The act of hanging out in public places such as the mall, the beach, movies etc on your own. Basically to go on a one-person date - that one person being yourself. Rather sad.

Well, today I masturdated. This was a very eye-opening deal of karma (if there's any such thing). The reason I say this is because I always laugh at other masturdaters when I'm at the movies with my loser friends. Honestly though, I think it's the thrill of getting to use the word more than meanness.
On my way to the mall - just a walk away from our house - I was holding my bag in a very protective manner, what with the crime rate in this country and all. suddenly, this man was walking behind me and I very subtly got more protective of my bag - not something I would do in Durban. The guy walked pass me and said, "Ey, you scared, heh? you hold your bag tighter when I walk pass" with that accent. I replied, "No, I was holding it like this" which was so feeble I might as well have just laughed sheepishly.
What the man didn't know was that my mind wasn't on my bag as it was on my kidneys. Haha! See, I have a few peculiar "paranoias". I always get afraid of people walking behind me as I fear they might stab me in the kidney. I am always so convinced about this that I can't helping turning around regularly to ensure my kidneys are safe. No knife in hand? Sweet. I also tend to think that someone planted spy-cams everywhere to spy on me...because I'm so interesting << sarcasm.
I am pretty tired after my two excrutiating hours of masturdating.
Dipping out...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

mon amis

So I gained one follower today who happens to be one of my close friends. I must mention though that the only reason I do have said follower is because she nagged for my ad until I caved in. I always deal with this type of behaviour from her. *smh-"shaking my head" for those who don't know.Haha! I only have one follower*
The funny thing is I could have at least five followers - all of whom are from my close-knit- but I find my blog too embarassing to share even with them. I'd rather people who don't know me and hence don't matter judge me regarding my lameness.
My Mother : The person I love most and who loves me most in the world. She is really big on stressing out over things that concern her kids. I love her.

Dina : The friend who always has your back. We go way back. The ever-so-amusing realist. I love her.
Naushina : The funniest, craziest person ever. The first words that come to mind after she says something are " what the actual eff?" The type of friend you gotta sit far from in serious classes. I love her.
Saleha : The bossy genius. I say "genius" because she hates this reference but seriously, she's incrdebly smart. a complete Phineas. Haha! I love her.
Yaseera : The bold one who always speaks her mind. A trait that I envy. Also has a soft side to her also has incredible general knowledge. A trait our geog teacher admired. I love her.
Sadiya : She's been mother-goosing me since we became friends in grade 8. Really sweet and shy. Also very kind in nature. I love her.

That, my dear reader, was a list of the people I really love. The people closest to me. Yes, friends can be tighter than family. And for the record, I'm straight. My love for my chinas is not romantic.
felluhs, call me. Just kidding.
Dipping out...

Friday, February 4, 2011

aint nothing like a first time...

So I just spontaneously decided to start a blog. I have no idea what to say in this first entry. I think all my friends have blogs ( I'm only talking about my close-knit circle and not the random "acquaintance by default"). Oh! I just realised that the normal thing to do would be to introduce myself first. So here goes...
Name : Sumeya Gasa
Date of birth : 4 August 1992
Current age : 18 years and 6 months exactly
Country : South Africa
Current city of residensce : Johannesburg
Notice I say "Current city of residence" because I am originally from Durban and only came to 'Jozi' two days ago as I will be studying here.
I think I'll stop there for today...